Wednesday, 4 June 2014

The atmosphere has COLOSSAL power

CO2 of 400 ppm + has brought us the extreme weather. There are no upper limits:
500 km/h wind, thick cloud cover that blocks the sun & brings freezing, unlimited rain / snow with widespread flooding, landslides & sinkholes, continuous lightning, frequent tornadoes & powerful hurricanes with no preferred seasons, etc etc

•In weather and climate there is only 1 secret

How does the air get its power?

•There is only ONE source of power

Energy change

•When water vapor cools (condenses) into water or cloud
•Tremendous energy is RELEASED into the air
•In other words, AIR gets powerful
•For 1 gram of water vapor to change into 1 gram of water, the energy released is a fantastic 540 calories

To put it simple, clouds are like nuclear bombs, the bigger the more powerful

Right now

•Global warming, or climate change means the
Temperature has gone up 1 degree already, now closer to 2 degrees.
A 5 degree rise will kill half the life on Earth - it did that before and is well documented

•You may still think that weather will get better back into “normal”, but there is no evidence of that, in fact there is plenty of evidence of an increasingly threatening weather

Who created that?

•United Nations scientists agree
•It is caused by human activities
•In particular, using fossil fuels
•It is a big mistake
•Oil company executives will have to get punished severely, knowingly propagating the use of oil and hiding the well-known adverse effects with the help of world governments

Start from the beginning

•Air temperature is increasing
•Because of CO2 emissions

What causes the air temperature to rise?

•CO2 gas has this property: it traps heat in the air (it won’t let it back into space)
•Once it is released into the air, it makes the air temperature rise

Where is this extra CO2 comes from?

•From all engines burning fossils fuels
•Why use fossil fuels?

Ford / Diesel engines were discovered about 100 years ago

•They were designed to use ethanol/peanut oil
•At the same time fossil fuels were discovered also
•Oil companies stepped in to sell their oil to run car engines instead of ethanol/peanut oil

•With help from government all competition is eliminated

As long as people don’t know

•Or kept into the dark, there are no complaints
•In Canada, Environment Canada scientists are eliminated and university research is stopped to avoid getting the truth out. The Conservatives of Stephen Harper were the only government in the world to abandon the Kyoto International Accord, in other words, the only government that supports air pollution officially

Scientists gave warnings but no one is listening
•YOU are on your own

In the meantime,

•The air gets hotter

That means

The sea gets warmer, which is lethal because 
•Evaporation increases
•That increases the amount of water vapor in the air

The cycle continues

•Water vapor becomes cloud
•The more water vapor the more cloud

Remember the energy change

•Gets into the air as POWER

With more evaporation

•We get thicker clouds
•More rain
•More hurricanes, tornadoes, hail, lightning, etc
•Not only that
•All the above get more powerful, too
•So, the damage has no upper limit, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE, examples:

winds of 500 km/h, super-hurricanes 2000 km across, tornadoes just about anywhere, hail the size of soccer ball, landslides wherever there are hills/mountains and floods of biblical proportions anywhere, basically the ocean is falling everywhere. There will be limited traffic especially in the winter

The extra water in the ground will create sinkholes in many unexpected places

Extreme weather

•Has killed millions of people lately, although it was not so damaging before Global Warming
•You haven’t seen the extremeness yet
•Literally, there is no upper limit

Unless you enjoy extreme weather

•One can only improve the weather…..
•by stopping the use of fossil fuels
•Nothing like that is imminent
•Governments have endorsed what the Dirty Oil Giants have demanded: stop the competition (such as solar, electric cars, etc) to increase their profits & taxes for the Governments
•Also, expand mis-information to the public

There is only one solution:

•Get the truth to all starting with children
•Very difficult in Canada since geography is not even taught at schools!!
But a teacher can make all the difference, if he/she wants to

•So, good luck, but nothing good expected soon…

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